Competence, Professionalism (Expertise) and Dynamism are at the Mission of Primaidea Ltd.
Being competitive today means to ensure the excellence of the work, but mostly express their flexibility, the ability to adapt to customer needs, be it public or private, offering solutions in harmony with the territory and the referring context.
Between global and local reality Primaidea Ltd. chooses the Glocal sharing the identity of places with their system of values, traditions and characteristics with an opening to innovation and modernity, in a steady relationship with national and international dynamics. The projects are tailor-made, thanks to experts ‘support in the field of strategic, organizational and management consultancy addressed to companies and organizations, with particular regard to issues related to territorial development and local and global planning of investments.
The company inherits the skills and know-how resulting from years of professional experience of its members and consultants in the field of strategic, organizational and management consultancy, as well as in the international cooperation and local territorial development sectors, and investment global planning.
Thanks to a qualified professional and technical structure, the company is able to meet the complex needs for information, assistance and technical -financial advice of various public and private actors of socio-economic and environmental processes. Primaidea Ltd owns the quality certification for Projects Planning and Provision of specialist consulting services (strategic and marketing planning) –Redacting and development of communication plans for private and public administrations and to plan and provide training courses for private and public administrations.