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  • Mission

    Competence, Professionalism (Expertise) and Dynamism  are at the Mission of Primaidea Ltd. Being competitive today means to ensure the excellence of the work, but mostly express their flexibility, the ability to adapt to customer needs, be it public or private, offering solutions in harmony with the territory and the referring context. Between global and local reality Primaidea Ltd. chooses the Glocal sharing the identity of places with their system of values, traditions and characteristics with an opening to innovation and modernity, in a steady relationship with national and international dynamics. The projects are tailor-made, thanks to experts ‘support in the…

  • Internationalization

    The Arab-Italian Chamber of Commerce Delegation Sardinia is based in the offices of  Primaidea Ltd., with which it has a close working relationship. Mission of the Arab-Italian Chamber of Commerce is to enhancement and promote of business activities through cultural, social and scientific activities, participation to conferences, meetings, international events, studies and market researches. It organizes and promotes visits and missions for operators from and to the 22 Arab countries members of the Arab-Italian C.C to support the transfer of competencies technologies, goods and services. The Delegation Sardinia aims to reinforce and increase the knowledge and cooperation and to promote…

  • Activities

    The inter-territorial, interregional, European and International cooperation represents a unique and innovative opportunity to build development strategies in the territories and with the territories. Over the last years, the Italian cooperation has made significant progress in implementing effective initiatives and in improving its organization, including the simplification of operational procedures. The European Union, the European regions, Sardinia in the first line, keenly aware of the opportunities that may emerge from the international cooperation and development cooperation, are now playing an active role implementing financial tools and project instruments aiming at promoting cooperation structured and durable paths.Community programming and international cooperation…

  • Project

    The initiative promoted by Primaidea Ltd, in collaboration with Assadakah Sardegna , with the Sirai Hospital Carbonia and the Di Zahle Gouvernamental Hospital contributed to the breast cancer prevention in Lebanon, in the north region of Bekaa where the incidence of breast cancer is relevant. The project implemented not only a prevention campaign but also started a path for the exchange of best practices between Sardinian and Lebanese doctors, thanks to a joint work of the different teams made of instrumental tests on patients (mammography, breast ultrasound and needle biopsies) and comparison of investigation techniques and protocols adopted. During the…